Scottish Musical Artists’ Benevolent Fund, December 1919: Twenty-Fifth Annual General Meeting, in the Religious Institution Rooms
An article on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 19th of December, 1919, reads:
The twenty-fifth annual general meeting of the Scottish Musical Artists’ Benevolent Fund was
held yesterday in the Religious Institution Rooms, Glasgow. Mr Dugald Macdonald, president,
occupied the chair. Several members joined with the chairman in expressing appreciation of
the assistance rendered by the late Mr W. F. Frame, to whose efforts the development of the
fund was largely due. Mention was also made of the deaths during the year of Mr J. B. Preston,
Mr James Booth, and Mr J. H. Carmichael. Dealing with the financial assistance given by the
fund, the Chairman intimated that the sum of £792 had been disbursed in Springburn and
district during the year. Cases were cited in which aid had been afforded to people who were
not connected with the organisation. The balance-sheet showed a surplus on the year’s
working of £378 (last number hard to read). Mr Dugald Macdonald was re-elected president
for the ensuing year and Mr Fred Collins was appointed vice-president.”