September 1855: Mr. Stembridge Ray, Tenor Vocalist and Leader of Music in Barony Church, Opens His Classes for Teaching Singing
An advertisement, listed under “EDUCATION”, on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 3rd of September, 1855,
informs readers that Mr. Stembridge Ray is opening his classes for teaching singing, in Mr. Whitton’s Academy, 63 Cathedral
Street, on Wednesday the 5th, in the evening.
A Class for teaching the Rudiments of Singing was held from 7.30 to 8.30.
A Class for Part Singing in Psalmody, Anthems, Glees, &c., was held from 8.45 to 10 pm.
Terms were 10 shillings and sixpence per quarter, and 16 shillings for those who wished to attend both classes.
For private instruction, pupils were advised to consult Mr. Ray’s circular.
Mr. Ray was Open, as formerly, for Engagements at Soirees, Concerts, Oratorios, &c., and his address is listed as
41 North Albion Street, Glasgow.