September 1894: “Rob Roy”, at the Princess Theatre in Glasgow – Miss Jessie Niven Maclachlan as Diana Vernon
A short article, on page two of The Evening Telegraph (Dundee Evening Telegraph, in The British Newspaper Archive),
on Tuesday the 11th of September, 1894, reads:
‘Rob Roy’ at the Princess Theatre, Glasgow, entered upon its second week last night, and the
house was again crowded. Indeed the production is drawing so well, says the Scotsman, that
the record for last week eclipsed anything previously reached at this theatre. Mr Durward Lely
as Francis Osbaldistone, and Mr William Mollison as Bailie Nicol Jarvie, carry off the honours;
while Miss J. N. Maclachlan makes a popular and pleasing vocal Diana Vernon. Mrs W. Mollison
happily portrays Mattie, and Miss Sophie Laing gives a clever character sketch of Jean McAlpine,
and shows that she possesses gifts which fit her for a more ambitious part. Among the smaller parts,
Mr Forest Niven’s courtly acting of Sir Frederick Vernon may also be specially commended. The
performance is running throughout with great smoothness, and amid great enthusiasm.”
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, September 2024.