September 1927: Glasgow Eastern Musical Festival
An article on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 13th of September, 1927, reads:
The official syllabus has just been issued of the fourth Glasgow Eastern Musical Festival, which
will be held in Christ Church Halls, Mile End, from January 21 to 28, 1928. The number of
classes (75) shows a further increase on last year due to the addition of several open classes,
including those for operatic solos and mixed voice choirs. Choirs for verse speaking are also
remembered and the syllabus is altogether very comprehensive. The area to which the festival
applies has been further enlarged to include Rutherglen and district, and now embraces the
whole of Glasgow east of Buchanan Street. The adjudicators will be Mr F. H. Bissett, Mr D. T.
Yacamini, Mr Duncan Gunn, Mr Charles R. M. Brookes, and Miss Jean Milligan. Entries close on
November 26th (? – hard to read on original), but the usual extension will be allowed on payment of
double the entry fee. Entry forms may be had from the secretary, Mr James Rutherford, 9
Tollcross Road, Glasgow, E. He will also be glad to enrol new members of the association, who
will bring the double benefit of an enlarged sphere of active interest and an increase in financial
support. Membership is open to both individuals and societies.”