Service of Sacred Music in Sandyford Church on the Evening of Thursday the 30th of March, 1865: Selections from Handel’s Messiah, Performed by the Church Choir and Members of the Orpheus Choir
Details of the Service of Sacred Music are listed under “Public Notices” on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 17th of March, 1865, and in subsequent editions. The notice is listed under “Popular Entertainments, &c.” on the front page, on Monday, March 27th.
A short article on page five of the Herald, on Friday the 31st of March, reads:
“SERVICE OF SACRED MUSIC. – Last night a service of sacred music, consisting of selections from the “Messiah,” was given in Sandyford
Church by the choir connected with the congregation, assisted by members of the Orpheus Choir, in aid of the funds of the Junior
Missionary Association. There was a numerous attendance. The meeting was presided over by the Rev. Dr. Macduff who, at intervals
during the evening, interposed illustrative remarks. The chorus on the occasion mustered between 40 and 50, and the manner in which
the various selections were rendered reflected credit alike on the choristers and their conductor. Mr A. L. Peace presided at the
harmonium, Mr. W. H. Smyth (leader of the church choir) officiating as conductor.”