Soiree and Ball in the Town’s Hosptial, December 1859
On page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 23rd of December 1859:
“SOIREE AND BALL IN THE TOWN’S HOSPITAL. – Last night the second entertainment of the season was given to the insane inmates of this Institution. Councillor Miller occupied the chair. Bailies Couper and Whyte, and Messrs. Hamilton, McLellan, and Falconer, directors, with Mr. Adamson, inspector, were also present. After blessing had been asked, the company partook of an excellent tea. The evening was spent most agreeably – song alternating with dance – and we were much pleased to observe the order and decorum which prevailed throughout the entire proceedings. The inmates were evidently very happy – joining in the various dances with great spirit, and some of them also sang with much taste and feeling. After a few complimentary remarks from the chairman, and other directors, to the officials, for their management, and to the inmates for their admirable behaviour, the meeting broke up shortly after ten o’clock, a vote of thanks having previously been given to the chairman.”