Soiree of the Natives of Blantyre in the Trades’ Hall, Glassford Street, on Friday the 9th of March, 1866
A short article, on page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Saturday the 10th of March, 1866, reads:
“SOIREE OF THE NATIVES OF BLANTYRE. – The annual soiree of the natives and late residents of Blantyre took place in
the Trades’ Hall last evening. The hall was filled in every part. Mr. Allan Arthur, of the firm of Henry Monteith & Co., presided,
and expressed the interest which he and his partners felt in the prosperity of Blantyre. Addresses were delivered by Mr. George
Wilson, and Mr. Ness, teacher, Blantyre; and the evening’s proceedings were enlivened by the excellent singing of Miss Watson,
Mr. Shearer, and Mr. Aitken. The soiree was followed by an assembly.”
For more information about the Blantyre Mills, please refer to, and “How Blantyre Mills Nearly Failed”, by Paul Veverka.