“Special Concert” at the City Hall, on Thursday the 24th of November, 1859, for the Benefit of the Widow and Young Family of the Late Mr. John Buchanan, who Died in the Shipwreck of the Royal Charter, on the 26th of October, 1859
Image of the steam clipper, the Royal Charter, which was wrecked on the north-east coast of Anglesey on the 26th of October, 1859. The vessel was returning to Liverpool from Melbourne.
On page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 14th of November, 1859, readers were informed:
“SPECIAL CONCERT. – At the evening concert in the City Hall on Saturday last, which came off with the usual eclat [sic], it was announced by Mr. Thomas Steel, on behalf of the Directors of the Glasgow Abstainers’ Union, that a special concert would be given in the hall on Thursday evening the 24th inst., for the benefit of the widow and young family of Mr. John Buchahan, a warm friend of the temperance cause in Glasgow, but who, on his return from a short residence in Australia, was drowned in the wreck of the ill-fated Royal Charter. Artistes of high order have been engaged for the occasion, and as the ususal moderate rates of admission are to be charged, the public will have a most convenient opportunity of exercising their Christian charity and receiving the worth of their money at one and the same time. We hope that the highly-commendable intentions of the Union will be liberally seconded.”
Advertisements, such as the one on the front page of the Herald, on the day of the concert, informed readers that Louisa Vinning, who topped the bill, was “Soprano, of the Crystal Palace Concerts, London,” who “Being in the Neighbourhood, very kindly gives her Services gratuitously.” The advert also names members of “The London Concert Union,” and lists the Band of the Royal Sussex Militia, as well as the pianist, Mrs. Alexander. Tickets, which cost sixpence and one shilling, were available from a number of outlets. There were a few reserved seats, which cost two shillings.