Thalberg’s Concert in the Merchants’ Hall, on Tuesday the 15th of February, 1848
An article on page two of The Glasgow Courier, on Thursday the 17th of February, 1848, reads:
“Thalberg’s Concert. – On Tuesday evening, this celebrated and unrivalled pianist gave a concert
in the Merchants’ Hall, which was attended by a select and fashionable audience, but by no means
so numerous as we expected, or as the merits of the performers deserved. We regret that M. Thalberg
is not to give another concert in Glasgow, for it is seldom we are favoured with music of such a high
and classical style, and we do not recollect to have heard a concert in Glasgow which throughout
had so much of this character. The entrepreneur was Mr. Muir Wood, of Buchanan Street. If Mr.
W. continues to favour us with more concerts of this class, he will do much to elevate the musical
taste of our fellow-citizens, and will deserve their best support. We cordially wish him all success.”