The Glasgow Catholic Choral Society’s Annual Concert, in the City Hall, January 1881
From page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 20th of January, 1881:
“GLASGOW CATHOLIC CHORAL SOCIETY.-This society gave their annual concert in the City Hall last night before an audience which three-parts filled the hall. It was the fourth concert of the society, and proved a great success. The objects the society has in view are to cultivate a taste for high-class music among the Catholics residing in Glasgow, as well as to promote a knowledge of such music, and to aid various charitable institutions by the proceeds of the concerts. The interest taken in the work of the society was indicated by the largeness of the audience last night in spite of the disagreeable nature of the weather. Among the clergymen present were :- Rev. Dr Munro, St Andrew’s; Rev. Cuthbert Wood, St Francis; Rev. R. T. MacGuire, diocesan secretary; Rev. Mr McLuskey, Rev. Mr Dunn, St Francis; Rev. Mr Bertrand, St Francis. The programme consisted of Haydn’s ‘Imperial’ Mass, and a number of secular selections. The Mass, which was composed for the coronation service of an Austrian Emperor, contains much fine music, and most of it received satisfactory interpretation, though there was occasionally a little unsteadiness. The first portion of the ‘Gloria’ was given with fine force, while the Largo in G and the ‘Sanctus’ showed what the society can do in the way of expression. The solos were creditably set forth. Gounod’s ‘Ave Maria,’ with harp and violin obligato and organ accompaniment, concluded the sacred part of the programme. The secular selections comprised two piano pieces, several songs and part songs, and a harp solo by Mrs Frost, and were received with much favour. Mr James McArdle was conductor, Mr Lambeth presided at the organ, Herr Danziger was solo pianist, and Mr R. Buchanan, jun., accompanist.”