The Golden Age of Sauchiehall Street: November 1918 – “The ‘Pianola’ Piano shortens the winter evenings” – Sole Agents, Ewing and McIntosh, 331 Sauchiehall Street
An illustrated advertisement on page seven of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 19th of November, 1918, includes
the following:
“Everyone who possesses a ‘Pianola’ Piano will tell you that the fascination of playing makes
bed-time come too soon; there are such vast fields of music to be explored, and such illimitable
possibilities of expressing your thoughts and emotions through the wonderful devices provided.
The ‘Pianola’ Piano offers the most engaging of recreations, relieves the mind from the most
depressing thoughts that beset it during the day, and fills the home with cheerfulness.
The fact that the present war-winters seem longer and more gloomy makes a ‘Pianola’ Piano more
than ordinarily desirable.
The Weber ‘Pianola’ Piano (British Made) is obtainable in innumerable models at varying prices.
All may be inspected and played in our showrooms where we are able to offer you exactly the
same advantages in choice, price and purchase terms that are obtainable at the London showrooms
of the manufacturers.”
George Fairfull-Smith, October 2022.