The Re-Opening of Mr. Barr’s Singing Classes, in his Class Room, Craig’s Court, 95 Argyll Street, September 1833

An advertisement on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 13th of September 1833, reads:



MR. BARR, Leader of the Music in Dr. Wardlaw’s

Chapel, respectfully intimates that his CLASSES

for SINGING will re-open on Monday 16th September,

in his Class Room, Craig’s Court, No. 95, Argyll Street.

Junior Class ………. From 5 till 6, afternoon.

Senior Class ………. From 7 till 8, evening.

A Class for Young Gentlemen in business from 9 till

10 evening.

Private Tuition in Boarding Schools, Private Families,

or in the Class Room.

Mr. Barr will still devote part of his time to the Tuning

of PIANO-FORTES. Terms may be known at the MUSIC

SHOPS; or at the CLASS-ROOM.

Glasgow, 2d September, 1833,

95, Argyll Street,

Nearly Opposite Queen Street.”