The Royal Artillery Band in Glasgow, August 1896
On page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 27th of August 1896, the paper reported:
“THE ROYAL ARTILLERY BAND IN GLASGOW. – Last night the string band of the Royal Artillery from Woolwich gave a concert in St Andrew’s Hall under the scheme of the Parks Committee of the Town Council for providing music for the people. The band performances in the public parks during the summer months have always been popular, and the appreciation shown by the community of this effort on the part of the Corporation to relieve the tediousness of city life in the holiday season has encouraged the promoters to considerably develop their scheme. Hitherto they have relied chiefly, if not entirely, upon local orchestras and other musical combinations to supply the desired entertainment, but now they have gone further afield, and have entered into an engagement with the band of the Royal Artillery to give a series of performances in the city. Since Monday the band have appeared daily in one or other of the parks, where they have attracted large audiences. During the remaining days of the week they will give similar performances in some of the parks not yet visited. Their concert in St Andrew’s Hall was the first of two indoor performances included in the week’s arrangements, the second being announced for Saturday evening in the East-End Exhibition Buildings. The crowded condition of the hall last night amply justified the Parks Committee in their experiment. Almost every seat was occupied, and the concert was in every respect a conspicuous success. When Cavaliere L. Zavertal came upon the platform he was accorded a flattering reception. The hearty applause with which he was greeted must have conveyed to him an assurance that he was among old friends, and no doubt recalled many pleasant memories of the International Exhibition of eight years ago. The programme was selected with admirable taste and judgment, and contained a happy combination of popular and classical music. All the items were finely played, the exquisite balance and tone of the orchestra being specially notable throughout. Several enthusiastic encores had to be responded to. Miss Hannah Jones, who has a contralto voice of excellent quality, contributed several songs. Mr Emile Berger was accompanist, and also played a composition of his own as a piano solo.”
For further information about Cavaliere Zavertal, please see the entries at: and