The Royal Scottish Society of Water-Colour Painters, Musical Evening, Monday the 21st of December, 1896
On page five of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 22nd of December, 1896:
“Last night a large and fashionable gathering met in the Institute of the Fine Arts to enjoy the musical treat provided for them by Mr Otto Schweizer. There were but three performers, but the programme did not on that account lack either interest or variety. The violin solos of Mr Ritter were much enjoyed, the last movement of Mr Schweizer’s own composition; and the Schumann and Brahms solos were played with excellent technique and breadth of tone. Mr Schweizer’s performances on the pianoforte – the first of them an original work – showed him to be worthy of the high place he occupies in the musical world. The four songs contributed by Miss Bellis Alexander were, without exception, charmingly rendered, and won well-merited applause. Altogether the musical evening was a most enjoyable function. We understand that the last evening of the kind will be on Monday the 28th inst.”
The notice also includes an update on the works sold, since providing the last list, and comments that 35 pictures have been sold since the exhibition opened.