A Lost, Forgotten, or Overlooked, Mansion designed by David Hamilton, at Brougham Terrace, Situated at the North End of St. George’s Road, is for sale in August 1883

For the present, not much is known about this property which, according to an advertisement, on page two of the Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 19th of April, 1833, was located at the “North End of St. George’s Road”. There is a Brougham Place, which appears for the first time on page eight in The Post-Office Annual Directory For 1832-33, and it is located at the “head of North Hope street”. However, there is no Brougham Terrace in any of the directories in the following years.


Looking at some of the maps and plans of Glasgow, which can be seen online at the National Library of Scotland website, there are unidentified properties at the top of St. George’s Road, and this mansion might be among them. The house is not listed among the buildings designed by David Hamilton on the online Dictionary of Scottish Architects: www.scottisharchitects.org.uk


The advertisement informed readers that Curle and Railton would offer the “SPENDID MANSION” for sale by public auction, at their Mart, 62 Argyll Street, on Thursday the 9th of May. The information reads as:



situated at the North End of St. George’s Road,

being the Centre Lodging of Brougham Terrace.

The House is built in the most substantial manner,

from designs, and under the immediate superintendence,

of D. Hamilton, Esq., Architect, and is decidedly one of

the finest specimens of Architecture to be seen. The

situation is unexceptionable, combining all the

advantages of a Town and Country residence.

It contains Dining room, Drawing-room, Parlour,

Four Large Bed-rooms, Dressing Closets, Butler’s

Pantry, Store Rooms, Wine Cellar, Kitchen, Laundry,

and Wash-house, complete, Servants’ Apartments, Water-

closets, Shower and Stretching Baths, &c.

The Grounds are of moderate extent, neatly laid off, the

whole forming a most tasteful residence, suitable for a

genteel family.”


The property was offered, in the first instance, at the “low amount of £2500,” in order to insure a sale. “The plan of the grounds, of which this residence forms a part, may be seen, and every information obtained, on application at the Mart.”