An Editorial Diary, December 1945: “The Art Review” (The Glasgow Art Gallery and Museums Association Review)
“AN EDITORIAL DIARY, on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 24th of December, 1945, includes:
STRICTLY speaking, the full title of the new publication issued to-day at half a crown is ‘The Glasgow Art Gallery
and Museums Association Review.’ It is, in effect, the report of the first year of the Art Gallery and Museums
Association, but at the same time a beautiful and interesting production.
When paper restrictions are not so stringent it is hoped that the Review will develop into a periodical devoted to
the objects and aims of the Association, with reviews of contemporary literature. Yet, in spite of the limitations of
the present time, the Review is finely printed and illustrated, with a colour section, and covers a wide scope.
Dr Betty Kurth writes on ‘Gothic Tapestries in the Burrell Collection,’ the largest and most important collection of
its kind in existence. It is admirably illustrated. Dr Henry Farmer’s article on ‘The Glen Collection of Musical
Instruments,’ also illustrated, should interest not only musicians; and another good article is Dr T. J. Honeyman’s
‘How to Look at Pictures.’ It has a special value in view of the forthcoming exhibition of Picasso and Matisse pictures
which have caused so much stir.
William Power writes on ‘Glasgow and the Glasgow School,’ and a fully illustrated article is devoted to the McInnes
Collection. There are also reproductions of some war-time acquisitions.
What should be specially noted is that this is not a mere catalogue or record of transactions, but a live review which
should appeal to all interested in the cultural side of Glasgow life.”
George Fairfull-Smith, October 2022.