April 1855: Scenery by Sam Bough, at the Olympic Theatre, Argyll Street

Some interesting information about Sam Bough is included in the “POPULAR ENTERTAINMENTS” notice, on page five of

The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 9th of April, 1855. It reads:


“We must not allow this opportunity to pass without saying something in commendation of the handsome petite

Olympic Theatre, which has been opened in Argyll Street, under the management of Mr. Cockrill, who was for many

seasons a favourite actor in the Prince’s Theatre. He has got together an able company of actors, who have been

performing a round of popular dramas with much taste. The act drop – a view of the Clyde, from opposite Dumbarton,

with stranded ships in the foreground, and the snow-capped head of the giant Ben in the distance – beautifully painted

by Mr. S. Bough – is itself a treat well worth going to see.”



The above entry can also be found in the Theatre section of this site.


George Fairfull-Smith, March 2023.