April 1906: Annual Business Meeting of the Ruskin Society of Glasgow – “Turner’s Landscapes” – A Lecture by Sir John Stirling-Maxwell
A short notice on page ten of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 4th of April, 1906, reads:
The annual business meeting was held in the rooms, 212 Bath Street, on Monday evening. The
president, Mr D. T. Holmes, occupied the chair. The reports submitted by the hon. secretary
referred to the successful season the society had during the past winter. On two occasions the
society had provided free lectures in the Fine Art Institute, which were largely attended by the
general public. The first lecture was delivered by Sir John Stirling-Maxwell on ‘Turner’s Landscapes,’
and was illustrated with limelight views of some of the more famous works of the great artist. The hon.
treasurer intimated that the balance at the credit of the society was £10 6s 1d, to be carried forward.
Other reports were submitted and adopted, and thereafter the office-bearers for the session 1906-7
were elected. Votes of thanks brought the meeting to a close.”
George Fairfull-Smith, November 2020.