April 1924: Strathbungo Art Club Exhibition, in Provand’s Lordship, Cathedral Square
An article on page thirteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 4th of April, 1924, reads:
The annual exhibition of the Strathbungo Art Club, which has been opened in Provand’s
Lordship, Cathedral Square, Glasgow, comprises an attractive display of oil paintings,
water-colour drawings, etchings, and craft-work. Sincerity of purpose and sound
craftsmanship are the outstanding features of much of the work on view, and in it there
are evidences of a sense of the pleasure with which the members of the club have worked
during the year. The collection includes about 80 (?60, type-print is blurred) paintings
and drawings, about a score of etchings, and a similar number of works of applied art. The
total number of exhibits is somewhat smaller than on some previous occasions, but so far
as quality is concerned the standard of former years is maintained, although it is evident
that – with some exceptions – the members of the club are still artists in the making. It
would therefore be unfair to view the collection from a too critical standpoint. Among the
more notable works are those of Mr James Huck, especially his rendering of a white-washed
house with a group of poultry in the foreground. A couple of harbour scenes by Mr J.
MacLaren possess good qualities, and also a landscape in water-colour by Mr A. Gilfillan.
Chris McGregor contributes two cleverly handled studies of terrier dogs. A low-toned
landscape wash drawing by Mr J. B. Cook, and a water-colour by Mr. A. I. (? second initial
not clear) Henderson are both very attractive. Etchings are contributed by Mr M. Henderson,
Mr W. H. Macrae, and Mr Stuart Johnstone. The exhibition will remain open till April 12.”
George Fairfull-Smith, September 2022.