Auction Sale of Italian Sculpture, at Hutchison and Dixon, 14 Virginia Street, on Wednesday the 16th and Thursday the 17th of March, 1859
A short notice and an advertisement in The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 16th of March 1859, provide useful information on what decorative could be purchased for wealthy and fashionable households in the city and its environs.
On page two:
“ITALIAN SCULPTURE. – We observe from our advertising columns that there is to be disposed of to-day, by Messrs. Hutchison & Dixon, Virginia Street, a beautiful selection of Florentine sculpture, admirably adapted for the internal decoration. Among many articles worthy of note, we were particularly pleased with a magnificent pair of Bardiglio marble vases, 8 feet in height, in exquisite taste, and beautifully finished. From the variety and extent of the collection, the sale will extend over to-day and to-morrow, and those is search of articles of beauty would do well to pay a visit to the auction halls, and judge for themselves.”
The advertisement is on page four, and includes, in addition to the pair of vases “admirably adapted for a Library, Hall, or Staircase”:
“Grecian, Pompeian, Neapolitan, and Roman Vases and Tazzas; Barberini Fountains; Carved Animals, Groups, Figures, &c., &c., in Alabaster, Bardiglio, Sienna, Yellow, Agate, and Elba Marbles, &c.”
Catalogues were available.