Egyptian Halls, Union Street, November 1873

From page four of The Glasgow Herald, Monday the 3rd of November, 1873:


“EGYPTIAN HALLS. – We understand the Egyptian Halls, a building in Union Street, forming a particularly bold specimen of the Egypto-Greek style of architecture, has been leased for ten and a-half years by a limited liability company called ‘The Egyptian Halls and Fancy Bazaar Company.’ The building consists of four flats, and besides admitting of a grand fancy bazaar being held, the accommodation is sufficient to provide for public entertainments taking place, which are intended to be of a varied and instructive character. It is intended to open the bazaar early in December, and the other portions of the scheme will be developed in accordance with what may appear to be the general public desire. The first two floors are to be stored with articles of taste and value, such as jewellery, bronzes, and fancy goods, while the flat above will be divided into stalls of larger dimensions, filled with ironmongery and the heavier classes of goods. The fourth floor is to be let for exhibitions, such as concerts or bazaars, picture galleries, and the like. We may add that a stair is being constructed leading to the roof, which, being flat and laid with asphalt, will form a novel promenade in fine weather, and that two hoists communicating with the various flats will be in use in the building, one for taking up visitors and the other goods.”




George Fairfull-Smith, April 2020.