February 1928: Poster Exhibition in the Lady Artists’ Club, 5 Blythswood Square
An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 9th of February, 1928, reads:
One of the features of modern advertising is the greater use which is being made of artistic posters.
Skilled artists are now regularly engaged in the work of poster designing, so that almost everywhere
on hoardings throughout the country there are to be seen real works of art. In recent years the
designing of posters has been taken up by members of the Glasgow Lady Artists’ Club, who will open
to-day in the Club Gallery at 5 Blythswood Square an attractive exhibition of artistic poster work. In
the various exhibits striking effects have been achieved by the good design, fine lettering, and the
skilful use of colour.
A few of the exhibits which may be referred to include daintily executed drawings of children by Miss
Mildred R. Lamb, a charming zoo picture by Miss J. Alix Dick, and a striking railway poster in grey,
scarlet, and black, by Miss Anna R. Findlay. Miss Maude J. Marshall’s exhibits are versatile. One – a
midnight scene in a open road – shows flashing headlights from speeding motors; another of a hunter
and horses taking obstacles reveals Miss Marshall’s talent for animal painting. A tourist poster of
sunny Ceylon and a confectionary sign are in Miss de C. Lewthwaite Dewar’s decorative style, while
posters for a woollen fabric and a pageant are by Miss Jessie M. King. Miss A. A. Kidston exhibits
original woodcuts used for the illustration of several books. Decorative and fanciful work are also
exhibited by Miss D. C. Dorman, Miss Mayda C. Paton, Miss Elsa M. M. Dun, Miss A. Younger, Miss
M. M. Maxwell, and Miss W. R. Fleming. The exhibition deserves the recognition of commercial firms
who make use of posters to bring their wares before the notice of the public.”