Glasgow Exhibit for the Paris Exhibition, 1889: Clutha Glass
On page eight of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 15th of April 1889, the following:
“GLASGOW EXHIBIT FOR THE PARIS EXHIBITION. – An exhibit of ‘Clutha’ art glass has been prepared for the Glasgow Exhibition by Messrs James Couper & Sons, of the City Glass-Works, Glasgow. Acting under the advice of Dr Christopher Dresser, lately professor of art in South Kensington, Messrs Couper have produced a series of interesting examples in old Phoenician, Venetian, Roman, and Arabian glass. For the most part the shapes are very quaint, and are largely in old-world colourings. In some of the larger pieces the colour is a brilliant lemon fading down to faint old gold, and thence into a rich deep ruby; while in others contracting sworls of colour are introduced upon another colour acting as the base. In some cases also the old avanturine [sic] glass is introduced with exquisite effect. Messrs Couper claim that the beauty of the glass consists not only in the quaintness of the forms, but largely in its quality, colouring, and texture. The exhibit comprises in all about 150 pieces.”