Glasgow Society: October 1900 – Exhibition of Woodcarving, and Reception, in Miss Hildur Myrin’s Studio, 22 Charing Cross Mansions
An article on page 554 (page 50 in The British Newspaper Archive) of The Gentlewoman, on Saturday the 20th
of October, 1900, reads:
“Exhibition of Woodcarving in Glasgow.
ON Saturday afternoon, 13th, Miss Myrin held a reception in her studio, 22, Charing Cross Mansions, Glasgow.
The studio was filled with most beautiful specimens of Miss Myrin’s art and with some very handsome pieces of
carving done by her pupils during the season, amongst which was a blotting case by the Marquis of Ailsa. Miss
Myrin received wearing a black satin gown with corsage of accordion crêpe de chine finished with a berthe scarf.
Amongst those present were Mrs. Grishotti (wife of the Swedish Consul), who wore a black gown with vest of white
panne spotted black, black velvet braided mantle and yellow fancy straw toque with black velvet and ivory satin;
her daughters, a brown suit with toque en suite finished with creamy lace and with lace vest and black crinoline hat
with oxydised buckles respectively; Mrs. Schlomka black satin broche with black and scarlet corsage, red roses in a
black hat; Mrs. Seton, wife of the new Postmaster in Glasgow, a handsome mourning toilette; Miss Stevenson,
Councillor Stevenson’s sister, a black gown turned out with white tucked silk and a large black plumed hat; the Misses
Wyllie, navy with white vest and red roses in a black hat, and a grenat bolero suit with white vest and under sleeves, and
red hat respectively; Miss Young, navy with a black hat; Miss Taylor, black with a white vest and silver tipped wings in a
grey hat; Miss Garrowy, black and yellow with black and silver toque; Miss Todd, pale grey with a fancy boa, and plumes
in a large black velvet hat; Mrs. Baird, a black gown, sequin bolero black and white chiffon boa, pink roses in a large black
hat; Miss Mutter, dark grey turned out white panne spotted black, large black hat with plumes; Miss Watson, black and
white; Mrs. Anderson, pale grey, black and white bonnet; Mrs. Hannan, black with a jetted cape and black and white
bonnet; Miss Alice Glen, a pastel green frieze turned out with silk corded with gold, large black hat with plumes; Misses
Ferguson, a blue-grey frieze, black chiffon boa, and black and red toque with roses and black turned out turquoise, black
chiffon boa, black and turquoise toque respectively; Miss McGibbon, light grey; Mrs. Akerbladh, black, with a purple
velvet toque on grebe bands; Miss Zara Millar, Ayr, a crimson gown with fancy vest, white and pale green hat with roses;
Mrs. Boyd Anderson, pale grey, with a small black hat; Mrs. Reid, black, with red roses in a black bonnet; Miss Reid, green,
with green chiffon in a black hat; the Misses Paterson, dark peacock frieze Tuscan and black hat with a chou of bright pink
chiffon; and blue grey, with black and heliotrope hat respectively. A delightful musical programme added to the pleasure of
the afternoon.”
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, May 2023.