Lodgings in West End Park for Sale, on the 16th of March, 1859

Two self-contained lodgings, “recently erected in Park Street East, Kelvingrove Park, immediately adjoining Park Circus” were “exposed for Sale, by Public Roup, within the Faculty Hall, St. George’s Place, Glasgow,” on Wednesday the 16th of March, 1859, at “One o’clock Afternoon, (unless previously sold by private bargain).


The advertisement on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 16th, also includes:


“These Houses contain ample accommodation for a large and respectable family, are elegant and substantial, and, to insure a Sale, will be exposed at the very low Upset Prices 0f £1800 and £2000 respectively.”


Prospective buyers could apply to: George Bell, Esq., Architect, No. 51 St. Vincent Street; Messrs. Thomson & Craig, Accountants, 70 George Square; or James Allan, Writer, 4 South Hanover Street, Glasgow. J. & J. Morrison were the Auctioneeers.