March 1937: Art in Various Mediums – Olive Carleton Smyth, at the McLellan Galleries

An article on page eleven of The Scotsman, on Wednesday the 17th of March, 1937, reads:




The artistry of Olive Carleton Smyth in various mediums is demonstrated in an exhibition of

her work which is being held this week in the McLellan Galleries, Glasgow. Miss Smyth, who is

best known for her brilliant illuminations in vellum, has done pioneer work in mosaics, frescoes,

and gessoes. She believes that more use should be made of those forms of art for home decoration,

and for public and commercial buildings than in the past. Her method in mosaic work gives

interesting results. She builds up the picture by placing the sets direct on a mastic background, and

the uneven surface tends to give a brilliance of tone which is not achieved by the ordinary method.

Colourful effects are also in the difficult art of gesso work and in the pleasing medium of frescoes. She

shows a selection of her oil portraits, painted at lightning speed.”



The British Newspaper Archive.



George Fairfull-Smith, February 2024.