November 1921: Mr Hornel’s Paintings of Japan

An article on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 15th of November, 1921, reads:




Mr E. A. Hornel has recently returned from an extended tour of Japan and Burma, and

three paintings by him, on view in the Renfield Street Galleries of Messrs John Connell

and Sons, are the first fruits of what promises to be an exceptionally interesting artistic

harvest. It is more than twenty years since Mr Hornel first visited Japan, with palpable

effect on his art. In three paintings of Japanese women, in radiant settings, the artist

has wisely not attempted to follow Japanese conventions. He has viewed Japan through

the eyes of a Westerner who is also a brilliant colourist. The glowing backgrounds of

blossom suggest mosaics and the opulent notes of colour gleam like jewels. The figures

are beautifully painted, pliant and gracious in contour, and finely harmonised.”


There is an advertisement for the exhibition, on page six of the newspaper.



George Fairfull-Smith, March 2022.