Oak Furniture for Glasgow Cathedral’s Chapter House, September 1869
A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Daily Herald, on Tuesday the 7th of September, 1869, reads:
“GLASGOW CATHEDRAL.—We had an opportunity recently of inspecting several
articles of oak furniture in the warehouse of Messrs Robert Whyte & Sons, St Vincent
Street, constructed by them for the Chapter House of the Cathedral. The designs were
made and submitted by Messrs Whyte & Sons to the Right Hon. A. H. Layard, M.P.,
President of the Board of Works, London, and approved. They are of a character
consistent with the architectural style of the building, being early Gothic, and the
execution of the work is well worthy of the building, and such as to carry out the
severity of the designs in all their nicety of detail.”
Robert Whyte & Sons are listed on page 371 of the Post Office Glasgow Directory for 1869-1870 as: “upholsterers and cabinet-makers, 111 St. Vincent street; works, 83 Pitt st.”