October 1854: Art-Exhibition in the Glasgow Colosseum, Jamaica Street

An article on page four of The Commonwealth (Commonwealth (Glasgow), in The British Newspaper Archive),

on Saturday the 7th of October, 1854, reads:


“ART-EXHIBITION IN THE GLASGOW COLOSSEUM.—This approaching exhibition will, we understand, be the finest

in quality and the most extensive in quantity ever before witnessed in the capital of the West of Scotland. Upwards of

seven hundred pictures have been offered, including fine specimens of French, German, and Belgian art. Among these,

too, there are many first-class English pictures; while native talent, it is believed, will be not unworthily represented. The

new hall, which has this week received the pictures from which a collection will be made, is situated in the Colosseum,

Jamaica Street—a new and attractive edifice. The hall is now finished; and while we write, the pictures are being hung.

This, our art-readers will understand, is the second exhibition of a distinguished local association, which, animated by a

pure and lofty love of art, last year opened an exhibition in the nice little hall in Dixon Street, which reflected credit on their

taste and public spirit. In the new exhibition, for which a more spacious room has been obtained, the different pictures will be

carefully classified. A beautiful portrait of the Empress of the French, which presides over the pictures from France, will be

regarded with peculiar interest. Among the other portraits one of the most noteworthy is that of Lord Jeffrey. The gallery is

commodious, elegant, and easy of access. It is 60 feet long by 54 feet broad, and the walls are 18 feet high. A partition, 14 feet

high, divides the room from front to back, making of it two apartments, each 60 feet by 27. The hall is well lighted from the roof.

Dim glass panels soften the light; while, at night, six brilliant gasaliers will illuminate the space without being offensive to the eye.

We hope soon to have the pleasure of taking a survey of the rich store of pictures now being ‘hung’ in this hall for the edification

and delight of the citizens of Glasgow.”



The British Newspaper Archive.



George Fairfull-Smith, February 2024.