October 1899: Art Publications – Messrs Van Baerle Brothers Have Issued a Reproduction of “Still Waters”, by John MacWhirter

A notice on page two of The Scotsman, on Monday the 30th of October, 1899, reads:




Messrs Van Baerle Brothers, fine art dealers, West George Street, Glasgow, have issued a

finely-executed reproduction of ‘Still Waters,’ painted by Mr J. W. MacWhirter, R. A., last

autumn. The picture represents a beautiful stretch of hill-enclosed loch scenery, with a couple

of silvery-stemmed birches and a few sheep in the heathery foreground. The plate is in

photogravure by Mr James Craig Annan, of Messrs T. & R. Annan, Glasgow.”



The British Newspaper Archive.



George Fairfull-Smith, March 2024.