October 1910: “A Beautiful Window” – Gifted to Dunlop Parish Church – Created by Alfred A. Webster
An article on page seven of the Daily Record, on Friday the 28th of October, 1910, reads:
The stained-glass window gifted by Mr. Francis Henderson to Dunlop Parish Church is a
delightful compromise between the old deep-toned art and the modern tendency of
lightness. Adam on one panel, with all the symbols of his transgression surrounding him,
and Christ, with a wealth of emblems of His suffering and victory, has been treated by Mr.
Alfred A. Webster with true poetic instinct and considerable power. There is a generous
richness of colour in the Norman slabs, approaching gorgeousness, yet not gaudy.
The whole window is a wonderful mass of detail and intricate workmanship. It is on view
to-day at the studios of Stephen Adam, 168 Bath Street, Glasgow, and will be unveiled at
Dunlop Parish Church on Sunday week.”
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, March 2024.