October 1917: A Victoria League Over-Seas Club for Glasgow
An article on page 557 in The Queen, The Lady’s Newspaper (The Queen, page 34, in The British Newspaper Archive), on
Saturday the 20th of October, 1917, reads:
“Over-seas Club for Glasgow.
Following the example so admirably set by Edinburgh, Glasgow is now to have a
Victoria League Club for Over-seas men. A meeting to promote a scheme was held
last week in the City Chambers, and so splendidly was it supported that donations
of £1000 were announced at the close of the meeting. Mrs Robertson, of Cambrolt,
who is to act as secretary and treasurer, touched a sympathetic note when she said
that the object was to give a real home to over-seas soldiers who might find themselves
friendless in Glasgow, as so many have done. The Lord Provost is to be the president,
and Mrs J. T. Cargill vice-president, so success is assured.”
The British Newspaper Archive.
George Fairfull-Smith, July 2023.