Photographic Portraits, Mr. Bernard, Recently of Paris, April 1847
An advertisement on page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 2nd of April, 1847, reads:
“PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS. MR. BERNARD, RECENTLY OF PARIS, Begs respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry of Glasgow, that he has taken the Rooms recently occupied by the late Mr. Donaldson as his PAINTING ACADEMY, No. 112 WEST GEORGE STREET, for the purpose of MINIATURE PAINTING and taking PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS.
Recent discoveries, and the rapid advance towards perfection in Photography, enable him to effect Likenesses that evince improvements not less remarkable than the first discovery itself. Not only has the essential charm of Colour been attained, by which a painting from the inanimate image to the glowing and breathing life-like Portrait is effected, but, by means of a new combination of chemical ingredients, he is able to take the Sitter’s Likeness in an ordinary Parlour or Drawing Room, with drawn blinds in all kinds of weather, thus subduing the light, which enables the Sitter to retain the full expression of the eye – the very life and soul of Portraiture – Terms. 15s. and upwards, according to size, including morocco case and gilt frame.”
Specimens of his work could be seen at his rooms, and also at John Finlay’s, 49 Buchanan Street; James McClure, 6 Royal Bank Place; and Messrs. Chisholm and Son, 93 St. Vincent Street.