Portrait of the Rev. Dr. Leishman of Govan, by John Graham Gilbert, Esq., November 1859
From page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 14t of November, 1859:
“PORTRAIT OF THE REV. DR. LEISHMAN OF GOVAN, BY JOHN GRAHAM GILBERT, ESQ. – On Thursday last, a number of ladies and gentlemen, members of the congregation of the Parish Church, Govan, and others, met in the school-house, and presented Mrs. Leishman with a portrait of her husband, the esteemed and worthy pastor of the parish, who has laboured with zeal and assiduity among his people for thirty-eight years. This handsome gift was presented, in name of the subscribers, by Moses Steven, Esq. of Bellahouston, the chief resident heritor of the parish, who made a brief and appropriate address, to which the Doctor replied in a very feeling and affectionate manner. This magnificent portrait is a life size, and the work of J. Graham Gilbert, Esq. It is an excellent likeness, and executed with his usual artistic ability. The Doctor is represented, in his canonicals, as Moderator of the General Assembly. We understand that this most appropriate present originated with certain ladies of his congregation, to whose exertions the honour of this handsome testimonial is chiefly due.”
Reproduction of the portrait, from James Fleming Leishman, Mathew Leishman of Govan and the Middle Party of 1843: a Page from Scottish Church Life and History in the Nineteenth Century, 1921.
The Very Reverend Matthew Leishman (1794-1874) served as minister of Govan Old Parish Church for 53 years.