September 1890: New Photographic Studios in Glasgow – Mons. Lafayette, at 15 Gordon Street

An article on page three of the Paisley and Renfrewshire Gazette, and Paisley Herald, on Saturday the 20th of

September, 1890, reads:




On Saturday last, there was a press view of the electric and daylight studios opened by Mons. Lafayette at 15

Gordon-street. To form the establishment, the roofs of no fewer than six house [sic] – namely, from No. 11 to

No. 21 – have had to be removed, and the result is that Mr. John Hamilton, of 212 St. Vincent-street, the

architect, has constructed one of the largest places of the kind to be, it is said, seen anywhere. On the one floor

is the picture gallery, the most notable specimen being an oil painting of the Queen, taken from a photograph,

by her command. There are also pictures on porcelain, on pastel, in monochrome, and on copper. The last

are in the form of miniatures, and, like those normally done in oil, will last for ages. The photographs of the

Prince and Princess of Wales appear to be life-size, and are said to be the largest ever done. They were taken at

Marlborough House. Pictures printed on platinum, 36 by 20, will also attract attention. On the roof floor is the

gallery, 70 feet by 21 feet, where the photographs are taken by a camera which stretches out to seven feet, or by

smaller ones. At the one end of the apartment, pictures are taken by aid of the sun, the furniture to set off the

place being from Naples. At the other end, pictures are taken at night and in dull weather by the aid of an

electric light of sixty thousand candle power. The motor is obtained by an Otto gas engine, situated behind an

elegant dressing-room. The establishment is splendidly equipped. At a luncheon afterwards in St. Enoch’s

Hotel – Mr. Mayberry presiding – success to M. Lafayette was cordially pledged.”


The British Newspaper Archive.



George Fairfull-Smith, October 2022.