September 1893: Mr Grosvenor Thomas Has Retired from the Firm of Thomas and Paterson, Art Dealers

A short notice in “GLASGOW ART NOTES.”, on page two of the Glasgow Evening News (Glasgow

Evening Post, in The British Newspaper Archive), on Friday the 29th of September, 1893, reads:


“Grosvenor Thomas, R.S.W., has retired from the firm of Thomas & Paterson, art dealers. Mr Thomas

proposes devoting his entire time to painting. Mr William Paterson, who is well known in artistic circles,

continues the business, and will have a series of exhibitions in his galleries this winter, beginning next

month with Harrington Mann’s show of Italian pictures, then James Paterson’s exhibition of Nithsdale

in November, and Grosvenor Thomas will exhibit his work later.”




The British Newspaper Archive.




George Fairfull-Smith, July 2024.