September 1894: Messrs Van Baerle are Publishing a Reproduction of Sir George Reid’s Portrait of the Late Sir Archibald Orr-Ewing

A notice on page four of the North British Daily Mail, on Tuesday the 25th of September, 1894, reads:


“THE LATE SIR ARCHIBALD ORR-EWING.—Messrs Van Baerle, fine-art dealers, 117 West George

Street, are publishing a reproduction of the portrait of the late Sir Archibald Orr-Ewing, Bart.,  from

the painting by Sir George Reid, P.R.S.A. The likeness is remarkably good, and as a work of art the

reproduction can stand the closest criticism. There are numerous old friends, both in Glasgow and

Dumbartonshire [sic] who would wish to have a presentment of the man who successfully carried all

his Parliamentary elections for the Tories of that county, and whose benefactions, especially in the

‘Vale,’ were numerous.”



The British Newspaper Archive.



George Fairfull-Smith, March 2024.