The Andersonian Museum and Mr Pickering’s Studio, Next-Door: Glasgow Fair Holiday, July 1844
On Saturday the 13th of July, 1844, The Glasgow Citizen referred to E. J. Pickering, in a short notice, on page two,
about activites during the Glasgow Fair holidays:
“THE ANDERSONIAN INSTITUTION, &c. – The Andersonian Museum is open during the holidays at half-price to the
working-classses, thereby giving them an opportunity of cheap and rational enjoyment. – Next door to the Museum is
the studio of Mr. Pickering, from the Adelaide Gallery, London, whose beautiful portraits, by the Daguerreotype process,
is daily attracting crowds of visitors. The enthusiasm displayed by this enterprising young artist, who may with propriety
be styled the second Daguerre, is extraordinary, for he never allows an indifferent portrait to pass out of his hands. – The
Botanic Gardens, another source of enjoyment, are also open at a low rate. All of these will we hope be patronised during
this festive season.”