The Glasgow Architectural Society: Committee to be Appointed to Examine and Report upon the Stained Glass Recently Fitted up in the Great West Window of Glasgow Cathedral, March 1860
On page two of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 6th of March, 1860, is the following:
“An extraordinary meeting of the society was held last night in the Scottish Exhibition Rooms, Bath Street, – Thomas Currie Gregory, Esq., in the chair. After the minutes of last meeting had been read, and several new members elected, Mr. Salmon, president of the society, after a speech of considerable length, moved ‘that a committee of the Architectural Society be appointed to examine and report upon the stained glass which has recently been fitted up in the great window of the Cathedral of Glasgow as to its merits as a work of art, and also to its suitability in design, character, and colour with the building; and also as to the manner which they may consider best for making it, and the other windows when they are put in, a means of professional study and instruction if found worthy of such a high position.” The motion having been seconded, a lengthened discussion followed. An amendment was moved that, in the present state of our information on the subject, Mr. Salmon’s motion is premature. The motion was carried, after which the following gentlemen were appointed as the committee :- Messrs. Charles Wilson, James Graham, John Burnet, Alexander Thomson, James Boucher, Thos. Gildard, Alex. Watt, Campbell T. Bowie, David Haire, John Honeyman, Thos. McGuffie, and James Salmon.”