The Golden Age of Glasgow’s Art Trade: April 1924 – Auction of an Interesting Collection of Pictures, by the Late William Wells, R.B.A., at The Mart, 7 West Nile Street
An advertisement on page nineteen of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 31st of March, 1924, informed readers
about the auction, by J. and R. Edmiston, of “AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF PICTURES By the Late WILLIAM
The pictures were on view on the 1st and 2nd of April, as well on the morning of the sale, on Thursday the 3rd, at The Mart,
7 West Nile Street. Catalogues were available on application, and cost sixpence.
Wells died on the 4th of May, 1923. Please see the entry, for more information.
George Fairfull-Smith, October 2021.