The Grand Historical Panorama of the Storming of Seringapatam, November 1810
The Grand Historical Panorama of the Storming of Seringapatam (by the British Troops and their Allies), by Sir Robert Ker Porter (1777-1842) was in Glasgow in 1810. An advertisement in the Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 2nd of November, page 3, informed readers that it was “Now Open”, and on display in the “Panoramic Building adjoining the New Theatre, Queen-street”. The advert claimed that it was painted on nearly 3000 square feet of canvas, the work was open to the public from ten in the morning until dusk. Admission was one shilling, and books descriptive of the conquests of the Mysore country, and capture of Seringapatam, also cost one shilling.
A later advert, on Friday the 16th of November, page three, noted that “The place of Exhibition is rendered agreeably warm with Stoves, in which Fires are constantly kept.”
Sir Robert was an artist, diplomat, author and traveller, and one of the earliest panorama painters in Britain.