Three Oil Paintings at the Queen’s Park Free Church Bazaar, March 1873
A short notice on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Monday the 31st of March, 1873, reads:
“QUEEN’S PARK FREE CHURCH BAZAAR.—This bazaar, which closed on Saturday evening, was
largely patronised during the day, and especially in the afternoon, when the hall was very crowded.
Amongst the contributions not previously noticed were three oil paintings, which it was found
difficult to hang well in the main hall, the stalls having occupied all the available space. One of these,
a view of Lochranza, painted and presented by Mr Verel, a member of the congregation, was much
praised, and brought a very large sum. The other two—an excellent portrait of Mr Scott, the minister
of the church, and a fine view of Cathcart—were painted and given by Mr William Adam, Langside
Academy. The portrait was purchased by members of the congregation, and presented to the minister.
The total sum realised by the bazaar was £1106.”
William A. Verel is listed on page 378 of the 1872-73 Glasgow Post Office Directory as: “(at Tharsis Sulphur & Copper Co. (Limited), 136 West George Street), house,
the Linn, Cathcart.”
There is no listing in the Directory for a William Adam, at Langside Academy, but, on page 739, under the Suburban Directory, for Langside, there is an entry for “Alexander Adam, teacher, head master, Langside Academy.”