August 1925: Naomi Jacob – Her Politics and Struggles When an Actress

A short note in “THIS MORNING’S GOSSIP”, on page seven of the Daily Record and Mail (Daily Record,

in The British Newspaper Archive), on Thursday the 13th of August, 1925, reads:


Actress-Novelist as Candidate.


An interesting prospective candidate for Parliament in the Labour interests is Miss

Naomi Jacob, who has been ‘adopted’ by the Sevenoaks Division of Kent. She is a

novelist of some note, her recently published ‘Jacob Usher’ having been very well

received. For a time she was on the stage, and it was while she was a touring actress,

struggling to exist on ten shillings a week, that she turned Labour.”




The British Newspaper Archive.




George Fairfull-Smith, July 2024.