“Barrie’s Perennial Appeal”: Joan Greenwood in “Peter Pan”, at the King’s Theatre, April 1952

Sir J. M. Barrie’s Peter Pan was the great attraction at the city’s King’s Theatre, opening on Tuesday the 1st of April, 1952.


A review on page three of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 2nd, commented that it was one of the best productions

seen at the venue, for some time, and:


“It has a freshness which has not always been apparent in recent years, and Joan Greenwood’s Peter takes a high place

among the many distinguished actresses who have played the role. She has the right appearance and voice, plays with

great energy and adds many effective touches, and throughout is completely boyish.”



AN EDITORIAL DIARY“,  on page four of the same edition, includes some of Mr Cecil King’s recollections, under the heading

SEE IT AND LIKE IT‘. He was the director of the production. An advertisement is on page ten.




George Fairfull-Smith, December 2020.