Complimentary Dinner to Mr. W. F. (William Flint) Frame, at Glasgow’s Windsor Hotel, on Tuesday the 8th of November, 1898
From page six of The Glasgow Herald, on Wednesday the 9th of November, 1898:
“Mr W. F. Frame, the well-known comedian and vocalist, was entertained by a number of friends at dinner in the Windsor Hotel last night before his departure to America, where he intends to tour with a concert party. Ex-Bailie Simons presided, and the croupiers were ex-Deacon Convenor Copland and Mr Walter Wilson. The company numbered about 90, and among others present besides Mr Frame were Councillors Brechin and Dunlop, Rev. W. Fergus, Colonel Menzies, Mr Malcolm Campbell, Mr David Fortune, and Mr Walter Freer. The loyal and patriotic toasts having been honoured, the Chairman said that a number of gentlemen had expressed a desire to send, on behalf of the gathering, a message of sympathy to Sir Henry Irving, and to express in it the hope he will soon be completely restored to health. The proposal was cordially received. The Chairman then proposed the toast of the evening, ‘The Health of Our Guest,’ and in doing so remarked that during the whole time he had been associated with professionals he had not known a man who was so much esteemed and made so many friends as Mr Frame. They all hoped, indeed they felt sure, that in the United States and in Canada he would make hosts of other friends and have a successful tour. When he returned home they would give him a very hearty welcome. As a public performer he had entertained hundreds and thousands of people, but during but during his busy career he had found time to give his services on behalf of charitable objects, and they honoured him for that as well as for his amiable and unselfish character and his high attainments. The Chairman, in name of the company, afterwards presented Mr Frame with an illuminated address, signed by, among others, Lord Provost Richmond, Provost Kirkwood, Govan; ex-Bailie Simons, Ex-Deacon-Convenor Copland. In the address reference was made to Mr Frame’s work in connection with the Scottish Artists’ Benevolent Fund, and to the welcome which he was assured he would receive during his tour. The toast was drunk with Highland honours. Mr Frame, in the course of his reply, thanked the gathering for the heartiness of their good wishes, and mentioned that he had decided to make his tour on account of numerous invitations he had received during the past few years. Other toasts followed.”
Currently on youtube, fulanodetal4 has uploaded: W. F. Flint “The Man You Know”, The Pipers (1904)