December 1922: The Queen Margaret Settlement – Anderston Girls’ Club’s Twelfth Shakespearean Production – “Romeo and Juliet”

An article on page eleven of The Glasgow Herald, on Friday the 22nd of December, 1922, reads:




For the past quarter of a century the Queen Margaret Settlement has been carrying on a beneficient

work among the people of the Anderston district of Glasgow. Of its many social activities perhaps none is

more productive of better results than the Girls’ Club, which has been in existence for many years.

Under the club’s auspices the girls receive a training which is calculated to prove useful to them in

many ways in after life. The educational as well as the social aspect of the work is kept well to the

forefront, and this week members of the club are giving their twelfth Shakesperian [sic] production. The

play chosen on the present occasion is ‘Romeo and Juliet,’ and is produced under the direction of

Miss Lochhead, superintendent. The first performance, which was given last night in the hall of

the Settlement, was witnessed by a large number of people of the district. The part of Romeo was

taken by Miss Rena Young, and that of Juliet by Miss Margaret McCallum. Performances will be

given to-night and to-morrow night.”



George Fairfull-Smith, November 2022.