December 1927: Broadcast from the Provand’s Lordship in the New Year

An article on page two of The Mearns, The Leader, The Dee, The Don (Mearns Leader, in The British Newspaper

Archive), on Friday the 30th of December, 1927, reads:


“The microphone travels into many strange places these days, but surely it could hardly find a stranger place for

the staging of a wireless programme than ‘The Provand’s Lordship,’ Glasgow’s only remaining pre-Reformation

house, Yet from ‘The Provand’s Lordship’ on January 6 there is to be given what promises to be one of the most

interesting programmes ever broadcast from Glasgow. It has been arranged by the Provand’s Lordship Club the

association which was instituted to take over and maintain the historic building when it was in danger of demolition

in 1906—and is appropriately titled ‘Let Glasgow Flourish.’ Sir John Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., D.L., will be in the chair,

and episodes in the history of Scotland, and of Glasgow in particular, will be portrayed in music, song, story and sketch

by a Double Quartet from the Pantheon Opera Club, Elizabeth Buchanan (lute), Jean Wilson (soprano), William

Alexander (baritone), R. B. Wharrie and others.”




The British Newspaper Archive.




George Fairfull-Smith, June 2024.