December 1938: Glasgow University Settlement – Queen Margaret Players Stage Pantomime
An article on page twelve of The Glasgow Herald, on Tuesday the 13th of December, 1938, reads:
The Queen Margaret Players, the members of which are recruited from the clubs of Glasgow University
Settlement, opened a week’s ‘run’ of their own pantomime last night in the Settlement Hall, Anderston.
‘Ann Thracite,’ the romance of a char, is built on a pantomime written some years ago by Miss Annie F.
Banks, a former warden of the Settlement, and every year it is changed and brought up to date. The 1938
version contains songs and patter written by an unemployed member of the Players, James McWatt, who
also takes one of the leading parts.
The pantomime borrows freely from several of the time-honoured themes of such entertainment, with
‘Cinderella’ predominating, and with the addition of bright quips it becomes an amusing show. While some
of the players lack experience of the stage, the club possesses members of promise, particularly among the
young dancers, who worked under the cramping conditions of a small stage.
Miss L. Lochhead produces the show and plays the chief role, while other leading parts are taken by Clarence
Dangerfield, Rose Skivington, and Chrissie Nelson. The scenery is the work of Mr Jack McWatt, an unemployed