J. L. (John Lawrence) Toole’s Performance in Aid of the Blantyre Relief Fund, November 1877
On Wednesday the 14th of November, 1877, page one, The Glasgow Herald has an advertisement for a “Morning Performance” by J. L Toole (1832-1906), at the Theatre Royal, on Saturday November the 17th. It was in aid of the Blantyre Relief Fund, and “the Eminent Comedian” had “in the kindest manner volunteered his valuable Services.” Messrs. Glover and Francis provided the use of the theatre, and the Company, Orchestra, and entire theatre Staff, gave their services.
An advertisement on page one, on the 16th of November, provides more details of the programme, and the other performers. Tickets were available from Messrs. Muir Wood and Sons, Buchanan Street.
A notice in the Herald, on Monday the 19th, page four, reads:
The benefit on Saturday afternoon on behalf of the Blantyre Fund was very well attended, and the proprietors of the Royal will be able to hand over to the committee a fair sum. In the course of the afternoon Mr J. L. Toole announced that Mr Henry Irving, who had been asked to give his services on the occasion, but who was unable to do so on account of Irish engagements, had forwarded the sum of 20 guineas as his contribution to the fund. Mr Lambeth’s Select Choir had also been asked to give their services, and would readily have complied but for the fact that they intend themselves to give a special performance on behalf of the fund.”
For further information about the Blantyre Mining Disaster, and the Blantyre Fund please see the entry for Miss Thompson’s painting, Balaclava, in The Fine Arts; and also www.scottishmining.co.uk