January 1922: “Dick Whittington” – Athenaeum Pantomime, in Aid of S.N.S.P.C.C.

An article on page four of The Glasgow Herald, on Thursday the 5th of January, 1922, reads:





In aid of the Glasgow District Branch of the Scottish National Society for the Prevention of

Cruelty to Children, a series of performances of a children’s pantomime, based on the

familiar story of ‘Dick Whittington,’ will be given this week by members of the Glasgow

Athenaeum Children’s Elocution Classes. At the first performance in the Athenaeum Hall

last night the audience, which, although fairly large, might have been of still greater

dimensions, having regard to the merit of the production and the worthy object which it

seeks to assist, was heartily appreciative of the very clever and pleasing entertainment

submitted. The venture is under the direction of Mr Percival Steeds, director of the

department of elocution and literature in the Athenaeum, by whom the pantomime has

been written and produced. The pantomime will be staged every evening this week,

including Saturday, and there will be matinee performances this afternoon and on
